My goodness it has been a while since I have blogged on anything. One of the last blogs, aside from the off day, being about the fantastic has almost been two months since I ventured and met up with the girls in Wilmington. It's crazy, it still feels like it was just last week to me. I miss them dearly! Thanks to the internet the distance can be bridged and we can chat on a regular basis. And that we do. I am still so thankful for them. I do a lot of laughing, and probably look like a nut when Im in stitches at work and no one can figure out why. I look forward to when I can see them again! I am not sure when it will be, but its one day closer! I am saddened that Dani was not far from me and I didnt get the chance to meet up, I happened to be away and was not home in time to make the trek to see her. Love the mountains, but sometimes internet would come in handy out there!
In recent days I have went and saw a couple movies; My Sisters Keeper and Julie & Julia. I am big on seeing the film before the book. I want to be able to take the film as it is and as a standing alone project, and not pick it apart by how the book went, not compare it to anything and enjoy it. Im not a huge reader, so when I do read the book it helps give me the vision of the setting, and who the characters are. If I read the book first, then I will see something totally different, and I find the film awkward and hard to watch. I don't like that idea. I will watch the film again after the book, and do the comparing the second time around.
I was told that if I didnt cry during My Sisters Keeper that I had a heart covered in ice. I am not a cryer in movies, most of the time, so I was quite pleased when I did shed a few tears to know that I am not an ice queen. It was a really good movie, terribly sad though. Cameron Diaz did a great job! Now I have started reading the book and I am slightly confused. Im finding it quite choppy, jumping from each characters point of view. But I am going to stick it out, I have heard the ending to the film was different so I do want to see what has been changed. But Im glad I saw the movie first.
Last night I went and seen Julie & Julia. As much as I love Meryl Streep, I wasnt overly enthused on going to see this. Happy I did though, Meryl Streep is amazing! Every word she spoke I laughed, she did Julia Child amazingly!! The intermingling of the two true stories was beautifully done, well thought out. It was a little lengthy, usually I dont mind I think I was just tired. Amy Adams is also quite splendid. Quite dramatic in a humorous sort of way. My friends were quite upset with the ending, but personally I dont think you can be upset with an ending of a 'based on a true story' film. The writer doesn't choose the ending, no one chose the ending. I think you can sympathize, or empathize with the character in the end. A lot of us are touched or inspired by someone we have never met and their story, or music, or portrayal of a character close to us. We have this idea in our heads of who that person is, and we look up to them, think highly of them, and are grateful for the things they have done for us. Sometimes that idea should just remain that idea and not make the person a reality in our world. Once we do we could become disappointed in who they really are, or what they think of us doing something that they inspired us to do. I've been lucky in that I met one of my biggest inspirations and she was just as cool in person as she is on stage and in interviews. I hope that those who get the chance to thank the people they look up to get the same response, and not the one that Julie Powell did. But if they do end up in a situation like she did, that they handle it like she did, and saw Julia Child only for what she has done for her, and was still thankful to her for that. I think this story is great, or both these stories are great; that of Julie, and of Julia.
On the note of inspiration, Terri Clark's new album is about to be released in a few weeks! Really excited. They have been releasing clips each week from the songs on it. They are great! Check them out
here. It has a similar feel to the Fearless album (which I love!). They are very real, and Terri has put aspects of her own life in the songs she has written. She took a brave leap in some of them. She took a brave leap in leaving her record label a while back too, she's taking control and it is awesome to see an album with so much of her writing on it. Also on the Terri topic, she has released a live album called Road Rage, which Im super excited to listen to! She is quite awesome live.
Tonight looks as though I may be off to see The Ugly Truth. Maybe this will be a week at the movies...Transformers tomorrow? Orphan? Harry Potter? hmm...